Tips on Becoming Beautiful Asian Girls

Women asia such as China , Japan , Thailand , Korea , and the other has a beautiful appearance , white and straight black hair . That's the hallmark of Asian women , especially those living in the East Asian region . They are generally rarely use excessive makeup , enough with thin smear makeup on the face , they already look pretty natural . In addition to the well-known methods of health , is also famous for its beauty potions . Here are some beauty tips :
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Wallpaper Beautiful Asian Girls

Consumption of seaweed . Seaweed contains carbohydrates , protin , vitamin A , vitamin C , chlorophyll and antioxidants . Vitamins and chlorophyll which is contained in a type of kelp plants can be beneficial to maintain collagen levels , killing acne bacteria , making the skin taut and supple .

Seaweed is also a Chinese secret of youth because the protein content to prevent premature aging and rejuvenate the skin . Seaweed is very rich in fiber , so very good for digestion and absorb more salt . Interestingly of eating seaweed that we will feel full longer .

Drinking tea . Drinking tea is a ritual efficacious Chinese people since ancient times . The benefits of tea are able to make the body become stronger , healthier , and forms a slender waist . Famous Chinese tea is rich in antioxidants which are useful as an antidote to free radicals that make the skin beautiful . There is also the type of tea they consume is green tea , oolong tea and white tea .
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Wallpaper Beautiful Asian Girls

Green tea is perfect for those who are running the program as it can be slimming diet . When viewed in terms of health , green tea may be beneficial for the prevention of cancer , prevent heart disease , lower cholesterol , and also lowers blood sugar levels . Similarly, green tea , white tea buds derived from young tea leaves that function to burn calories in the body . Addition of white tea in the body can act as an anti - viral and anti - bacterial that can keep the body's immune system . While oolong tea is the result of a transition between green tea with black tea . This tea contains caffeine high , therefore assessed oolong tea is better than green tea . Oolong tea is also efficacious as an effective fat burner .

Ginseng . Ginseng contains many antioxidants , vitamin C , and minerals found in the roots and leaves . The content nourish the skin and help remove dead skin cells . Then generate new skin firmer and ginseng can prevent wrinkles . This is because ginseng also contains collagen which makes the skin becomes elastic .

Pearl powder . Since time immemorial the Chinese women use pearl powder that would come from a pearl that settles on the sea floor . Pearl powder containing minerals and amino acids are believed to get rid of acne , wrinkles , and brown spots on the skin . Chinese women usually use pearl powder as a mask or beauty pill .
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Wallpaper Beautiful Asian Girls

Camellia oil and natural shampoo . Secrets of beautiful Chinese women's hair straight , black and soft is because they like to use a natural shampoo . For example, like using urang aring , coconut oil , hazelnut , green tea . Use of natural shampoo safe because it does not use chemicals such as shampoo in general . Because most Chinese women thin hair , they use a lot of camellia oil to keep it beautiful and soft .

Peaches . The peach is a typical fruit of China . The fruit is juicy and sweet taste and are easily found at any time because it is able to adapt to various climates . Peaches contain antioxidants , vitamin A , vitamin K , vitamin C and vitamin E in large levels . This fruit can help you control your weight , healthy eyes , and of course very good for the skin .
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Wallpaper Beautiful Asian Girls

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